Monday, February 4, 2008

Sharing the Love of Giving

Mrs. Puljak's class garden's
rutabegas and collard greens, ready for donation!

"The Pilgrim's Basket," through the story of a classroom of giving children, will motivate readers of all ages to find ways to reach out to others. Let's share that love of giving this February. Jump in with your ideas, links and favorite ways to share what we are given.

1. Giving idea of the day: Donate free rice with every word you define!
2. Jump over to Christina Berry's blog see how her daughter's birthday party became a giving event.

I can't wait to see how you are sharing love~

Mary Ellen

1 comment:

Christina Tarabochia said...

Thanks for pointing to my blog, Mary Ellen! I had so many parents thanking me for doing a party where they didn't have to wrap a gift and wonder if it'd be returned or broken within a few days. Everyone "gets" something from giving.
